How to Save Freelancers For Future Assignments

Find a writer or freelancer who previously applied for or worked on one of your assignments.

In ClearVoice, you have the ability to save writers from the Talent Network that you would like to work with in the future. Any saved writer will be automatically added to your account so you can send them assignments any time.

Additionally, you have the ability to block applicants by clicking the Connect button, then the ... in the writer modal and selecting Block. This will prevent the writer from ever showing up in your casting calls, or working with you again.


Saving a Freelancer in ClearVoice

You'll be able to see your Saved freelance writers in Manage > Users. You can filter that view to Pending & Saved Users to view freelancers you have saved or sent work to.  Once the freelancer accepts your invite to join the account, or starts working on an assignment for you, they will no longer be in the Pending & Saved filter, they will just be in your active user list moving forward.