Possible Reasons for an Incomplete Portfolio

Details on why your portfolio may be marked incomplete

Before being admitted to the ClearVoice Talent Network, one must make sure that their entire profile has been completed first. If you have missed any of the steps below, you won't be considered for writing opportunities until these have been resolved. 

Reasons for Being Marked Incomplete

If your portfolio is missing one or more of the following it will be marked incomplete. 

Here is the most commonly forgotten information:

Missing avatar image

You will want to have a professional-looking photo to represent you on your portfolio.


Missing a bio and/or tagline

Your bio and tagline are some of the first things that can draw a potential customer in to hire you.


Missing social links

Giving links to your other social profiles can give even more perspective to your work history.


Having less than six articles (less than 3 linked)

If you have less than 6 articles, or less than 3 are linked to a live URL, customers may not be able to get a good sense of your style and experience.  Include as much previous work as you can to show your expertise in the fields you are showcasing.  Organizing them into specific categories will be a great benefit as well.


To be considered again for the Talent Network, you will need to add this necessary information to your profile. Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your profile, please contact us at support@clearvoice.com