A Guide to Answer the Public

Step 1: Sign In
Step 2: Select your language and region. 

    • Please select the region and language of the client you’re ideating for. (i.e., the United States and US English)

Step 3: Enter your Keyword

    • In the “Enter your keyword” field, type in the topic that you want to search and press the “Search” button.
    • You can only search one topic, keyword or phrase at a time. However, you are not limited to the amount of times you search in a day. 

Tip: Do your first search on a topic using a generic term, not a long-tail or specific term.

Step 4: Navigate and Analyze your Results 

    • As you scroll down, you’ll see tons of data. Don’t let this alarm you. All data is segmented by Questions, Prepositions, etc. This is just further to help segment the results to better understand how people are searching. 
    • Result Categories: 
      • Questions:  What questions people are asking using your search term, organized by common question words, such as why, where, will, can, which, who, how, when and what.
      • Prepositions: What searches on your topic are made using prepositions such as for, near, is, can, without, with and to.
Tip: If you have included prepositions in your initial search, this section will likely be confusing. You may need to rerun the search to use this information.
      • Comparisons: What are people wanting to know about how your topic compares to other topics using the terms “or,” “and,” “vs” and “versus.”
      • Alphabetical: Lists in ABC order all the terms searched for in conjunction with your search term. This is the same information as the other searches, just compiled in a single, very long list.
      • Related: What other topics people who are searching for your terms are interested in. For example, social media managers aren't the same as social media, but people who are searching for information about social media also often search for social media managers.
    • Each section has two different views – visualization and data. You can switch between views by clicking on the tab for each. Both show the same data, just in different formats.
    • As well, you can save images by clicking the “Save Image” button to the right of each image result. Once saved, you’ll see an option to download the image. If you’d like to download, simply click “Download Image.” 
    • You can also download a CSV file of the entire keyword and/or phrase results. Do this by clicking “Download CSV.” 
      • Then open the Excel file and begin working with the data.

Tip: While the other views are pretty and great, many users find the CSV format to be the most practical. Although all the data is in a single tab, the CSV file has three columns – type, modifier and then suggestion – which makes it easy to search, organize and manage.


Step 5: Creating great Content 

  • Tips for ideation:
    • Look at your current editorial calendar, and determine the current holes in your content calendar. 
      • Your needs are very specific to your current channels, needs and audience. And remember that high-quality content is more effective than tons and tons of bad or even mediocre content.
    • Look at each category in the results, and select the ideas that you think will be most interesting to your audience. 
      • Just because it’s listed doesn’t mean your specific audience will love it. So you have to add your own human knowledge to the equation as well.
  • Decide the best type of content to create for each topic. 
    • This is helpful if your client has several content types that they’re producing. As well, it’s always helpful to have some different ideas in your back pocket for strategic purposes. 
  • Be creative
    • You aren’t the only person in your industry using ATP. While the insights are great, you need to use them as a starting point to create something unique.