Using the Talent Network search

The Talent Network search has additional functionality that can improve your results and enable you to find a freelancer for just about anything.

The Talent Network search in ClearVoice is a robust tool, designed to give you access to the top freelancers in any area.  Outside of a standard keyword or phrase search, below are a couple of additional commands that you can utilize within the search, to get better results.

Standard Search- type your keyword or phrase into the search box

Specific phrase Search- surround your keyword or phrase with “  ”

Biography/Tagline Search- use the command bio: to search writers’ biographies and taglines for your keyword or phrase.  

You can also search for specific phrases using “  “.

Publication search- Use the command site: to search for creators that have posted content from a specific URL

Hopefully this article helps you utilize the Talent Network search to find a freelancer for anything you may need.  If you have any questions feel free to start a chat with us below!