Ways to Get Paid Faster

Tips and tricks on gaining efficient payments and recurring work

Whether you have been a seasoned freelancer for a decade or are relatively new to the content industry, everyone has experienced altering timelines and expectations from clients. This bears the question: How do I get paid in a fast and efficient manner?

Here are some pointers...

1. Ask Questions Up Front and Understand Expectations

When you accept an assignment via ClearVoice, many different features are provided to you in preparation for beginning the assignment. Assignment details, rate, due date, as well as a full messaging board are readily available for you. Take advantage of these features before beginning an assignment, asking any relevant questions to your client that may slow down production on your end.


2. Turn in Your Content Early

While this may seem like an obvious pointer…. procrastination tends to prevail every once in awhile. However, making a habit of the “Due today means DO today” mentality generally results in long and unending revisions. Make it a point to get your content in early, allowing yourself and the client time to review and change prior to the due date. 

3. Avoid Multiple Revisions

Multiple revisions will directly result from not correctly reviewing details, missing tone, or forgetting to research. The planning stage of an article is just as important as the article itself, so make sure you are going through the necessary steps in working to complete high quality work.

4. Ask for an Example Article

A great way to read your clients mind on the type of work they are looking for is to ask them for an example article through the messaging tab. This will help you further understand their brand voice and the type of article they are looking for. Do this before spending too much time on a piece that might end up missing the mark. 

In short, preparation is truly key. Work toward faster payments and happier results by proactively engaging in the content at hand. Your future self will thank you. 

Always feel free to reach out to our team using the live chat below. We would be happy to help! 

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